Pump considerations


1. If the pump has any small faults, remember not to let it work. If the filler of the pump shaft is worn out, it should be added in time. If the pump is used continuously, it will leak. The direct effect of this is that the motor consumes more energy and can damage the impeller.

2. If the pump has a strong vibration during use, be sure to stop and check what is the cause, otherwise it will cause damage to the pump.

3. When the bottom valve of the pump leaks, some people will fill it into the inlet pipe of the pump with dry soil and flush it to the bottom of the valve. This is not desirable. Because when the dry soil is put into the water inlet pipe, when the water pump starts to work, the dry soil will enter the pump, which will damage the water pump impeller and the bearing, which shortens the service life of the water pump. When the bottom valve leaks, it must be repaired. If it is serious, it needs to be replaced.

4, the pump must pay attention to maintenance after use, for example, when the pump is used up, the water in the pump should be cleaned, it is best to remove the water pipe and then rinse with water.

5, the tape on the pump should also be removed, then rinse with water and dry in the light, do not put the tape in a dark and humid place. The tape of the pump must not be stained with oil, and do not apply some sticky material to the tape.

6. Carefully check the impeller for cracks. If the impeller is fixed on the bearing, if it is cracked or loose, it should be repaired in time. If there is mud on the pump impeller, it should be cleaned up.



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